Friday, September 21, 2007


Would you believe I was actually in the kitchen with Ian when this occurred?  I don’t think I had my eyes off him for more than 30 seconds.  That’ll teach me to pay attention to what I’m doing when I’m chopping vegetables.

Where do I begin?  This has been an awesome summer!  The Lingards visited in mid-August and we had so much fun with them.  They were a complete joy to have.  It was great to see Thomas, who recently returned from Africa.  Aside from the funny accent, he’s pretty much the same, only even cooler than before.  Ezra is 2.5 now and he’s a riot.  We really loved getting to know him.  It was especially fun to see Ezra and Ian together. 

The Lingards rented a beach house at Quintana Beach and we spent 5 wonderful days there lounging, sunning, swimming, and playing.  Matt brought his kayak and we all took turns paddling around.  It was so much fun.  Even Ian and Ezra got to take turns.  We also got to spend a little time around Houston with the Lingards.  It was great because Ian got to know his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousin.  We look forward to next year’s adventure, which consoled us when it was time for them to go. 

In other news, life has been good for us.  At the beginning of September we were without a car for a week.  That was really difficult but interesting.  Matt rode the bus to work and I had to ride the bus to my doctor’s appointment.  What a day that was!  Three hours of bus riding plus three hours for my appointment.  My doctor was running REALLY late.  As soon as I arrived they suggested I come back, but after all my effort to get there I said I’d wait.  So Ian and I walked to Rice to see Daddy.  All and all I have to say he was a really good little guy considering the long day.  Also, the car thing prompted us to begin re-thinking our finances and plans.  No solid conclusions yet, but we’ll let you know.  

As of this Monday there will only be 6 weeks left in my pregnancy.  It’s really flying by and I’m so glad.  We got Ian’s room all set up with a cool car bed and the baby’s room is set up too.  I just hope that we do have a girl or I’ll be putting stuff away again.  In 3 weeks we will have our final ultrasound.  At that point I will believe whatever they say we’re having.  For now I remain a hopeful skeptic.  

In Ian news...he is doing great.  He knows a lot of body parts, several signs, and is very eager to communicate.  He is very bright and understands everything I say to him.  He’s a genius!  What can I say?  Also, he will be a dragon for Halloween.  Grandma Chase bought him a costume and Mommy is really looking forward to Halloween.  It remains my favorite holiday.  (See new photos on Flickr for a sneak preview as well as the chicken costume that didn’t win.)  

We are all looking forward to Christmas as we will be spending it in Utah this year.  We will bless our baby there and anticipate seeing a lot of the Chase’s there as well as Lingard/Neville’s.  The blessing will likely be Sunday Dec. 30th in Kayesville and my sisters will be hosting a baby shower the day before in Sandy.  

That’s all for now.  Love you all...E   

P.S. My birthday is October 11th.  Just thought I’d remind everyone.