Yay, Halloween! I love Halloween! I love Halloween because it's low stress/high sugar, no obligatory gifting/shopping frenzy, pure fun, scary movies, make believe, dress up, crisp Fall air, and macabre mayhem. And as "Michael" the angel says, "You can never have too much sugar." Well, maybe you can consume too much sugar, but you can NEVER have too much sweetness. And here's some sweetness. Our little Lily two days before Halloween when we carved our pumpkin.
On Halloween we went to our Ward Chili Cook off/Carnival/Trunk-or-treat. Here are Matt and Ian in a Cake Walk. Everybody was a winner!
I was a hippie, Lily was my flower (Give flowers, not fights). Ian was the best, most scary dragon ever.
He won at the duck pond game. Actually he won at every game he played, which makes me think the games may have been rigged.
We got through the games pretty fast and truck-or-treating didn't start for a while so we snuck out and trick-or-treated the neighborhood for a bit. Ian really got into it. He would say "Trick-or-treat! I'm a dragon! Rarr!!!" The people would laugh, give him candy, and ask, "How old are you?" To this he responded, "I'm Ian!"
Check out his loot! What a haul! Yay, I'm going to get another ten years of Trick-or-treating out of this deal! Woo hoo, parenthood!
Actually, I really had a great time. It was so fun for me to enjoy this holiday with my little ones. By the end of the night we were all so tired, but not too tired for a few more houses on our street and one more walk through the cool haunted house on the corner. Yay! Only 362 days till the next Halloween. Can't wait!