Matt is a wonderful husband and father. He is someone I look up to very much. His very essence inspires me to want to be more. I'm posting a little blurb on him because I am so proud of him. He recently received notification that he will be awarded a USDA grant to study rice. This is so exciting for our family. It is a great accomplishment on his part. These grants are very competitive and require tremendous effort just to submit. It's hard to do science. Research takes tremendous patience and perseverance. I call it "A lot of stick, no carrot". But Matt loves to do it and he's great at it. I love the example that he is for all of us and how tirelessly he works to promote our family's economic and spiritual well-being.
Ian and Lily love their Daddy so much because he always plays with them.
Ian loves to wear his Daddy's clothes. I hope that he wants to be like his Daddy.
Lily gets so visibly and audibly excited when Matt comes home. She is a daddy's girl.