Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Tribute To Matt

Matt is a wonderful husband and father. He is someone I look up to very much. His very essence inspires me to want to be more. I'm posting a little blurb on him because I am so proud of him. He recently received notification that he will be awarded a USDA grant to study rice. This is so exciting for our family. It is a great accomplishment on his part. These grants are very competitive and require tremendous effort just to submit. It's hard to do science. Research takes tremendous patience and perseverance. I call it "A lot of stick, no carrot". But Matt loves to do it and he's great at it. I love the example that he is for all of us and how tirelessly he works to promote our family's economic and spiritual well-being. 

Ian and Lily love their Daddy so much because he always plays with them.

Ian loves to wear his Daddy's clothes. I hope that he wants to be like his Daddy.

Lily gets so visibly and audibly excited when Matt comes home. She is a daddy's girl.


Roney Family said...

Matt is a wonderful man. You are very lucky. And he is lucky also. You both complement each other well. That was really sweet of you. Ian is so cute, but that little Lilly of yours is absolutely adorable. You have a beautiful little girl and handsome boy! Miss you guys and wish I was able to visit with you while you were here!!!

Shelley said...


Congratulations on the grant. That is fabulous.

Loved the photos of Lily and Ian.

Erin, part of the reason Matt is so fabulous is you. I'm impressed with the way you two support each other and give each other the opportunity to shine.

Love, Shelley

Taylor said...

I agree, Matt is awesome. and you are awesome too. so your family is just a place of awesomeness.

Samuel R said...

Matt after dating Sharon for a while who is doing research on receptors of cell membranes on the muscle cells of lambs I've realized what a pain research is and that I would really hate to do it. So props to you! Congrats.