This last year has been so great. Our little Lily has added such joy to our home. Today she is one and I thought it appropriate to show a few photos from her first year with us. We are so grateful that she is with us. She is happy and fun and brings a softer dimension to our home with her squeals and laughter. In this photo she is only minutes old. She came three weeks early, in time for Halloween, and I couldn't have been happier to finally hold her in my arms.
These are her little feet at about six weeks old.
Here she is with Ian, her reluctant big brother. She is 4.5 months and he is almost 2 in this photo.
Here are the kids having fun at the neighborhood pool last May.
Lily still toothless at eight months.
Lily and Ian this past July playing on their horsey with Daddy.
These last two photos were snapped within the last week. Her hair is getting longer and lighter as she has gotten older. It looks like her eyes are settling in on a beautiful hazel or steel gray color. Also, she has two bottom and four top teeth coming in. Little cutie!! We love her more than anything!
Pretty, pretty, tutu. She's almost walking. Pretty soon she'll be twirling everywhere. Our little Lily flower is such a delight. Happy birthday, little love!