Sunday, June 29, 2008

Feeling The Love

Yesterday we went to the beach. It took several hours to get there but we eventually made it. It's hard to get four different families and their kids organized and out the door. Even though Lily has chicken pox she's been in a great mood during the day and then becomes a demon at night. Anyway, Eric put up his Easy-up and I sat in the shade with Lily or in the sun with her covered the whole time. It was beautiful out but windy and a bit chilly for my taste (68 deg F). Here's Ian with Jennifer and Ryan (Eric's kids).


Eric and Brandon getting ready to fly a cool kite Eric has.

Ryan kite flying with the Palos Verdes Peninsula and Pacific ocean behind.

Jennifer and Makenna.

Finally, here's Ian sampling some So. Cal sand.


Matt said...

That sand-eating video is too funny!
Wish I was there.


Leslie said...

That video is so cute. He's going to love that when he's older.