Friday, June 27, 2008

Home to Roost (As In Chickens)

Well, we arrived in L.A. on the 25th. It was a long day of travel. Especially with two babies and no Matt to share the effort with. Anyway, we arrived without event (other than me getting horribly motion sick). The following day at my parents house proved to be more interesting though. My sister, Seanna and her brood arrived around 6pm, having driven to L.A. from Utah. She quickly noticed a funny little blister under Lily's chin. By this morning the now big blister under Lily's chin had several friends.

So now I'm in L.A. and under quarantine. My Lily flower has the chicken pox. So far she's in great spirits and is acting like she feels fine. She hasn't had a fever and doesn't seem uncomfortable. But this is only the first day. 

In light of these findings I spent the day trying to figure out how to see a doctor out-of-state. It was quite a challenge. The HMO's definitely make it difficult. I had to contact my doctor back in Houston and get them to refer us to some local clinic Aetna told me I could go to. In the end I had to pay in full for the visit ($85) and I'll have to submit the bill to my insurance company because the clinic was filled with jack asses. By the way, the visit was not for Lily. Although the doctor confirmed that she does have chicken pox. The visit was for Ian. I decided to vaccinate him in hopes of preventing him from getting it so I don't have to spend all my time in L.A. in quarantine.

The doctor visit was interesting because the medical people at the urgent care weren't very compassionate. They gave me a hard time about my insurance issue and then made us (Seanna, me, and our 3 restless kids) sit in the waiting room filled with people. When we arrived we informed them that we should be put in a separate room because of Lily's contagion, but they just ignored us. Then because I got my paper work in later than Seanna they were going to make us wait even longer to be seen by a doctor. At that point I had, had enough. So I addressed the entire waiting room, told them that my baby had chicken pox, and asked them if they would mind if our crew was seen ahead of them. Basically all the people in the waiting room freaked out and 30 seconds later we were escorted to an examination room.

Ian didn't like the shot at all. He cried but at least he got a sucker out of the deal so he can eventually go to the dentist and get more painful shots. I think these health care people are in cahoots and have a conspiracy with the government. So now I get to hang out here while everyone goes to dinner. And so it goes...


Andy4eric said...

Erin, you kill me! You are freakin hilarious! Good for you taking charge in that waiting room! They should have gotten you in immediately. What jerks! I can't believe how cute Lily is. Oh my goodness I honestly want to squeeze her. We still miss having you guys here. Keep up with the posts....I love them.

Taylor said...

Poor Lily but shy looks adorable with the spots.

Jayne said...

Erin, that was an amazing tactic in getting seen faster. You are amazing.

Roney Family said...

Even though she has chicken pox, she sure is adorable! What a little cutie she is. I sure hope I am able to see you guys while you are here.